What is the installment program?

برنامج تقسيط كلمة يبحث عنه الكثير عبر العم جوجل لمن يبحث عن برنامج تقسيط احترافى او برنامج متابعة الاقساط لذلك يسرنا بمؤسسة فكرة للبرمجيات ان نعمل على تقديم حلول عملية تعمل على توفير الوقت و المال لمكاتب التقسيط او العاملين بنظام التقسيط بالمملكة او تقسيط بطاقات سوا من خلال برنامج ادارة اقساط مميز انشا للعمل على تنظيم و ادارة كافة الاعمال التى تتم بنظام التقسيط

Is an idea for installment

The ideal solution for installment offices consists of

Full accounting program

Including all the accounts of the Office and customers in addition to the system of smart alerts to customers near the payment of installments by short messages to alert the near payment of the installment due in addition to the unique advantage is the establishment of one contract with more than one investor different rates for each investor in addition to the various accounting reports that include all operations It is structured and saves you a lot of time effort

Premium Management Program

There are many installment schemes in the Kingdom from one program to another in terms of features where there are systems sharing or otherwise, but with this diversity lacks a full installment program and features the possibility of searching for defaulters through the black list

Characteristics and advantages

Record customer data including all the details

تحصيل الاقساط ومواعيد سدادها ودفع اقساط العملاء واظهار مواعيد الاقساط

Record all transactions for customers from purchases, sales and installment invoices payable

Establishing a contract with more than one investor at different rates

Follow-up of latecomers and sending of mobile messages and alerting the late

Manage the monthly payments of customers and the possibility of restructuring and scheduling installments

Comprehensive reports including customer accounts report, monthly payments, customer delays and customer discounts

Early repayment and waiver of the remaining installments

Why choose an idea for installment

The installment program has dealt with many of the shortcomings in many installment programs that make the best management program for installments for offices and individuals. The program also supports the installment of Sawa cards in a way that does not violate Islamic law. The idea of the installment plan is the solution for the offices of installment real estate - Installment Stores - Installment Companies - Mobile & Electronic Appliances - Installations & Others Offices

Ease of use


Direct technical support


Regular backup


Encrypted and secure data


Program screens

Customers are honored to serve them

Education experts Dr. Soliman Fakih Hospital Forum Badi F.A.Batterjee Group Saudi Arabian Army MOMEN Dr. Sulaiman Fakieh Hospital Ministry of National Guard Saba Medical