Fekra military Program

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An idea program for individuals for military officers and non-commissioned officers A special program for military, police, public security and national security,

Serves all military bodies such as police, traffic, army and others, a program that is considered an important program for all military bodies

The best program dedicated to the military, police, national security and public security services, and can be linked to the Internet and connect departments quickly

Serves all military bodies such as police, traffic, army and others, a program that is considered one of the most important programs for all military bodies

Fikra of officers' affairs is the best program for military, police, national security and public security services.

برنامج مخصص للهيئات العسكرية مثل الشرطة والمرور والجيش و الامن العام و الحرس الملكى وهو ينظم حركة العمل بشكل مباشر بين الوحديات و الكتائب و سرايا الجبش و العمل على ربطهم من خلا...

Special program wave for military bodies and national payment and public security and the Saudi Royal Guard is a special program to regulate the affairs of military

Fikra Personal Affairs Program for Military Bodies - System Administrator Officers and Personnel Affairs Program A program that tracks all statements of officers

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