This agreement covers all subscribers to the idea service and its website, which is owned and operated by a software idea for information technology. Use of the Service means acceptance of the provisions of this Agreement in addition to any future amendments to this Agreement that will be published from time to time.
Please read this agreement carefully before subscribing to the idea service or any parts thereof, as subscribing means agreeing to the terms and conditions contained therein. This agreement between you and a software idea for information technology is limited only to the terms and conditions mentioned in this agreement.
“Programmatic Idea for Information Technology” and hereinafter referred to as (“Service Provider”), is an established organization that operates in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and has its main headquarters in Medina - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.B. “Fekra” and later referred to as the “Service” is an enterprise resource management software service based on the cloud computing model whose characteristics and features are mentioned on the official website of the service.c. “Subscriber” is the individual or entity (whether commercial, governmental or non-profit) to which the “Service” is provided.Dr.. “Fikra Site” and later referred to as the “Site” is a website on the Internet that contains information and visual and audio files to introduce the service and an explanation of its features, methods of use, and the method of subscribing to it, in addition to the subscriber’s login page.e. “Optional Services” is any additional service related to the idea service and provided on the site, such as remote accountant service or installation and training.And the. “Remote Accounting” is an optional part of the Fikra service that the subscriber can request as mentioned on the website.g. The “accountant” is a person who is qualified to practice the accounting profession and who provides the remote accounting service to the subscriber if he desires according to the conditions mentioned on the site.h. “Usage” means the Subscriber’s access to the Service for the purpose of using the functions in it, including but not limited to accounting, human resources management, buying and selling, included in the package chosen by the Subscriber.
the conditions

Term of agreement
It starts from acknowledging the content of this agreement and remains valid as long as the subscriber is committed to paying the subscription fees mentioned on the site. In the event of a breach of the terms of this agreement, the service provider has the right to cancel the subscription and delete the subscriber's data, as mentioned in Article 7.
Payment and renewal
Paid optional service or services such as a remote accountant, installation or training require the subscriber to enter the site and choose “subscribe” or “add”. In the event that he does so, the subscriber agrees to pay the service provider the fees mentioned for that service annually as indicated in the Service description. The Services fee will be deducted in advance on the day the subscription or upgrade is made to cover the use of the Service for the period stipulated and no compensation shall be made for the remaining period unless specified in the description of the Service.
Automatic renewal
Unless the subscriber notifies the service provider via the site before the end of the applicable subscription period of his desire to cancel the subscription or upgrade, the subscription will automatically renew with its current characteristics and authorize the service provider to collect the subscription fee, whether annually, as indicated in the service description, using credit cards or any payment method Registered by the subscriber with the service provider. The subscriber can modify the subscription properties through the website.
Security precautions
The subscriber must take security precautions to prevent access to the service by unauthorized persons. This includes not sharing the login link, user names and passwords with anyone, as the service provider does not guarantee any damage due to the subscriber not taking the necessary precautions to protect his login information.
The subscriber shall not attempt to unlawfully enter the site, copy, modify, leak the site data, change its designs, destroy it, modify it, occupy its address, impede access to the site, obstruct it or disable it.
the support
During the subscription period, the service provider will provide technical support to the subscriber as described in this clause during the work periods announced on the site and as the service provider deems appropriate. The support includes: (1) telephone or electronic means in order to assist the subscriber, understand the problem and help him solve it ( 2) Updates, improvements or other changes related to the Service without additional costs to the Subscriber.
The subscriber agrees that the service provider will carry out the necessary maintenance from one period to another in order to upgrade, add new features, backup, or fill security gaps, if any. The subscriber shall be compensated by extending his subscription equal to double the number of days of service interruption.
Save with data
The subscriber acknowledges that in the event that he stops using the service, whether because of his request or because of stopping paying the subscription fees, the service provider will give a period of three (3) days to pay, while allowing the subscriber to benefit from all the capabilities of the service and access his data. In the event that the due fee is not paid after the expiration of the previous period, the service provider has the right to stop the subscription, and after seven (7) days the subscription is canceled and the consequent erasure of all the subscriber’s data, and the subscriber acknowledges that if he resumes the subscription after the mentioned periods, there is no No guarantees of previous data recovery. In the event that the subscriber subscribes to the trial package, the data is erased immediately after the end of the trial period.
Violations of intellectual property laws
The service provider respects property rights and requires the subscriber and the visitor to respect these rights. If the subscriber or visitor discovers that there is content related to it that violates intellectual property laws, he may send a notice to the service provider, and the service provider will respond by removing the content or any link that leads to it within the site.
This agreement does not transfer to the subscriber or visitor by the service provider any intellectual property rights related to the service provider, the service or any third party in which the service provider reserves its rights. “Fekra.program”, “”, “”, including logos, graphics and trademarks used in the service, are registered to the service provider or other parties. The use of the service by the subscriber or visitor does not give the right or license to reproduce or use any of the trademarks of the service provider.
Evacuation responsibilaty
The Service is provided “as is” and the Service Provider and its suppliers make no warranties, express or implied, of the performance resulting from the use of the Service or the Site, including without limitation, quality, fitness for any particular purpose, integrity, non-infringement or loss of data. The Provider is not responsible for any loss or damage to the subscriber or any third party caused by the service or the site under this agreement, or any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, whether based on this agreement or on any other legal theory arising from Use the Service or the Site or act under this Agreement.
The Subscriber agrees not to harm the Service Provider or its property, contractors, licensors, directors, employees, representatives and agents and shall bear all costs of claims and expenses incurred in the event of proof of damage and breach of the Agreement, including attorneys' fees.
The agreement is not transferable
This Agreement is exclusive to Subscriber and Subscriber shall not assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement to any third party.
The service provider has the right, as it deems appropriate, to amend or replace any part of this agreement, and it is the responsibility of the subscriber to review any updates to this agreement periodically as the provider will publish and announce changes on the site and on the e-mail registered by the subscriber and represents The subscriber or visitor continues to log on to the OS website