Misconceptions about document management and documents.

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Misconceptions about document management and documents.
Misconceptions about document management and documents.
In a previous article, we discussed the importance of the document management system and its role in developing the efficiency of your organization and increasing your profits.
Writing down all the data: It is important to record and save the most important information, data, and documents related to your work in order to avoid losses and to be constantly aware of everything that happens within your company. Planning something between them, or going abroad somewhere, all of this is information that is not important to record and save.
Saving data to an unlimited extent: The institution does not have to save all important and non-important data and documents for life, but rather it must save only the necessary data and delete the rest of the unnecessary data.
Deletion of data that is not being used at the present time: There is a wrong idea, which is to delete data that is not currently being used. For example, it would be wrong to give up the data of employees who previously worked within the organization or clients who had previously dealt with them.
In the end, your organization must keep pace with the new technology that is spreading in our current era and use the document management system and electronic documents to develop the efficiency of your organization, after seeing what suits you from systems and not listening to the words of others.

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