Archive your documents and document your procedures

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Blog / Docsuite Archiving
The increasing size of the facility, the large number of employees, internal and external transactions and procedures, leads us to a huge amount of documents and records issued and received from them. Which must be archived to preserve and refer to when necessary. On the other hand, it is necessary to know how to ensure that important digital information that is collected in old systems is still available through modern technologies, hardware and software components. The most usual solution is to migrate the data so that the old data is exported from the first system, reformatted if necessary and imported into the new platform. Although records can be managed on a smaller scale, the increasing number of information systems and the amount of data make migration increasingly complex and expensive. In the worst case scenario, data migration can also result in the loss of parts of the data or its context, which seriously affects the delivery of services to the business, loss of accountability, or incorrect decisions.
Although most companies strive to reduce the volume of paper documents in their day-to-day operations, it is often not possible to completely avoid these documents. Over time the volume of documents that need to be archived for commercial or legal reasons increases to the point where an organized archive of paper documents and other materials is required.
We can help you establish effective control for the management and long-term storage of documents and other archival media.
What are the most common challenges our clients face?
Not enough space to save documents.
Lack of qualified personnel to manage the archive.
Unorganized documents and insufficient records of documentary materials and storage periods.
Long and often unsuccessful searches for physical documents.
Archives can also be documents organized in such a way that they are securely archived and accessible until the retention deadline has passed. In the electronic archiving system from the Fikra Foundation, which is called DocSuite, we can create an archive on your site, or you can choose to archive documents in one of our modern archiving centers. We guarantee high quality of service and high levels of security in compliance with applicable laws and internationally recognized standards.
Create a storage unit on your site
An archive of documentary materials should be arranged in physical form in such a way as to ensure the control over the archived documents, their transparency and accessibility and the recording of the documents issued from the archive. If you would like to create an organized physical archive on your site but do not have qualified material management professionals, we can work as a material manager. We can also provide assistance in the systematic organization of archives.
As part of creating or reorganizing a physical archive, we always:
Assessment of the current condition.
Create an efficient storage system.
Create an effective archiving job.
Evaluate the current situation.
When reviewing archival spaces, we prepare an analysis of the suitability of potential investments in building archives in accordance with minimum standards for the physical security of documentary materials:
Materials should be kept in suitable workplaces, equipment and climatic conditions.
The material shall be protected from theft, fire, physical, biological, chemical and other harmful effects.
The material should be available to authorized users for the duration of storage and should be protected from loss.
Material safety - that is, its stability and rigor, and quality must be guaranteed.
Create a storage system
As for the documentary materials in the archives, they are physically organized and accurately recorded through this method:
We create an accurate materials inventory and a comprehensive materials overview.
We classify the materials and determine their storage period, while the materials whose storage period has expired are excluded.
We check that your archiving policy and rating plan are up to date.
In accordance with the material inventory methodology, we prepare and/or complete the policies.
Ensure safety and compliance
Your documents, organized into different storage media (folders, boxes, pallets, microfilm or microfiche devices), are arranged and received for storage in our modern archiving centers, where we guarantee secure long-term centralized storage and management. This also includes inventorying materials, keeping documents in open collections, issuing materials on demand, and destroying materials that have expired.
List of documentary materials
When submitting documentary materials for storage, you will also provide records of the materials submitted. These records should also include written instructions on storage periods for each type of documentary material. If you do not have such records at your disposal we will prepare a list of documentary materials ourselves. We will collect all information that may influence our decision about how to archive different types of documentary material in the future, including information about the types and quantities of material.
Save files in open groups
We also allow you to store materials in collections that have not yet been completed. This will relieve you of storing large amounts of paper documents before completing work with documents. We keep these documents in open collections after receipt.
By providing these materials to us for storage and management, you are increasing the efficiency of your business:
Increasing the transparency of documentary materials and ensuring that they are archived in accordance with the law.
Provide users with controlled access to materials and tools when they are needed.
Save the space you used to store document materials and stop worrying about the increasing volume of documents.
Reducing Operational Risks - We guarantee the physical security of materials in proper storage locations and conditions, and the risk of document loss due to natural disasters or other events is negligible.
Ensure that documentary materials whose storage period has expired are excluded and destroyed safely.
Why should you have DocSuite in your facility?
is managed

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