The best program in administrative communication

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Blog / Docsuite Archiving
Have you encountered, during your work, the loss of your transactions? Is your organization's productivity weak? Is your work proceeding according to administrative efficiency standards? Can you correctly identify the tasks assigned to you or keep track of the tasks assigned to your employees? Do you have difficulty searching for information when you need it?
Based on supporting digital transformation operations in the Kingdom and achieving the objectives of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 "Paperless Management", Fikra Information Technology Company presents the best program in administrative communications, "Doc Suite".
Doc Suite Program
The Doc Suite program is one of the programs of Fekra Information Technology Company. It is an integrated system for administrative communications, used to manage correspondence, transactions, documents and tasks, to organize the way to manage content and automate various procedures and processes of both internal and external types, and to make communication more streamlined.
Doc Suite features:
Comprehensive for all aspects of the administrative process.
DocSuite deals with all axes of the administrative affairs process, "external transactions of both types, incoming, outgoing, and secret, internal transactions and requests, in addition to correspondence, in order to automate work on these correspondences and transactions through four axes:
Archive to protect it from damage and loss.
Search and track for quick access to transaction cases, recall old transactions, or recall old transactions and pay their entry.
Manage and assign tasks with transactions to employees.
Notifications to remind users of assigned and referred transactions
Better control and management of operations through:
Archive and save transactions
Through the DocSuite system, the user saves the documents associated with the transaction, which he can scan from the system or add them from his device. All of these attachments are saved in the form of historical records to track the date of adding each item and the user who made that addition. He can also add Office files, PDF, etc. and browse them directly via the system.
referral and tracking
After creating transactions, they can be transmitted internally from the system directly to users, and the system builds a complete historical record of all events that took place on the transaction, in addition to recording the process of receiving referrals and notifying all concerned parties when there is a referral or update.
All this enables the user to access the status of the transaction and enhance the monitoring and follow-up process.
follow-up service
The Doc Suite system provides an integrated mechanism for managing and following up on transactions and requests accurately, as the "Tabeel" service allows the user to continuously follow up on the progress of transactions or requests at all times by choosing the most appropriate means, either through "SMS" or "Mail" to inform him of the latest updates. And keep him constantly informed of his important transactions.
Electronic letter forms
The system enables the user to configure letter forms and the fields they contain easily and conveniently, as it allows him, for example: when selecting “leave request” to fill in some fields such as the number of days, type of leave, etc., in addition to saving the letter as a “PDF” file directly after clicking on the “Save” icon and archive it and store it within the system.
Electronic signature and description
This feature provides the ability to allocate a website for each user, through which he can sign, write notes, describe or comment on a specific event, after which the system will immediately save the document as a "PDF" file and archive it.
Management of accreditation requests
The Doc Suite system provides this feature for managing approvals and administrative approvals from within the system to reduce dependence on the paper process and contribute to transforming the administrative system into an electronic system, as the system enables the user to use this feature by attaching files or transactions and then requesting approval or administrative approval Then the system sends this transaction to the specialists, and they respond to it with approval or rejection.
Powers and administrative structure
This feature provides flexible and detailed management of user privileges and different levels of access to information. The system also works to clarify the administrative structure of the organization to build powers on.
Barcode and Automatic numbering
The system supports automatic numbering for transactions and contributes to the creation of various numbering methods and linking them to the users' powers, in addition to supporting the barcode feature to facilitate tracking later, whether by printing or automatic supply from within the system.
electronic gate
DocSuite provides this feature by providing an integrated electronic portal for organizations, and this feature contains many features, including:
Transactions inquiry service and the possibility of logging in for accounts that are allowed to do so.
The portal reviews requests, transactions, and their progress.
View news and articles.
View control dynamic pages.
Availability of a "Call to Action" icon, such as: Contact Us.
Dashboard and reports
Each user in the system has a follow-up panel through which he can know the latest transferred and received transactions. The system also allows him to view general statistics about the system based on his powers. In addition, there is an internal e-mail box inside the follow-up panel to receive messages from other users, and it contains various reports. Such as: transaction and order reports, delivery statement, transaction progress, and user activity reports.
Multilingual calendars
The system supports the Arabic and English languages at the interface level in addition to the entered data. The system also helps the user to choose the appropriate calendar "Gregorian or Umm Al-Qura".
Cyber security and backups
Full activation of cybersecurity mechanisms and data backups no longer represent adequate protection, as the dangers of sudden power outages, fires and disasters can undoubtedly eliminate the institution's paper and electronic archives.

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Category: Docsuite Archiving

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