Digitization is a new revolution to improve the level of companies

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Digitization is a new revolution to improve the level of companies
Digitization is a new revolution to improve the level of companies
The world is currently witnessing a new industrial revolution, where the traditional world that we know is turning into a new digital world, and this digital transformation will have a great impact on all aspects of society, and it will provide both individuals, companies and institutions with many opportunities, and in this article, we have collected all our thoughts and visions about This subject; To give you a better understanding of the importance of taking advantage of the new world to improve your business.
The digital wave and its impact on industries
The concept of digitization is well known to those who have experience in IT or other technology-based industries, but this “digital wave” has bypassed these industries and is now affecting daily life.
If you have been following the news, you have no doubt heard about digitization, as digitization is now being applied in companies, public and private institutions, and many other sectors of our society. However, it is important to understand that digitization is not a trend, but rather a revolution.
It is important to keep in mind that this change, however, may evolve rapidly, as this is the nature of exciting new technology.
What is digitization?
Digitization, or digital transformation, means the use of modern technology from the fourth and fifth generation of industries, to bring about a radical change in business and services in all matters of work, in order to shorten time and reduce cost; And to achieve greater flexibility in the production process for each business sector, whether for government agencies or private companies.
Digitization is also known as entering a continuous technological journey, and digital transformation is not a project that has a beginning and an end, but rather a new way of working, and it means changing your organization in order to thrive in our new digital world.
Digitization has gained great momentum, since 2015, but new technology alone cannot change anything, human being should always be part of the equation, and digital transformation takes place at the point where human behavior meets this new technology, applies it, and uses it in its business.
The importance of digital transformation
Digital transformation means integrating digital technology into all areas of business, and it results in fundamental changes in the way businesses operate. Digitization enables companies to modernize the traditional way of working, work effectively and quickly, enhance security, and increase profitability.
90% of companies depend on the Internet, where companies save their data on the network, but the real digital transformation is much more than that, because digital transformation is the creation of a complete technical framework, which depends on directing all the services and data of the organization to actionable insights, It can improve every aspect of an organization.
Instead of simply migrating data to the network, take advantage of digital transformation to re-evaluate and improve your systems and processes, in a flexible and easy way, to transform your organization and prepare it for future success.
Why is digital transformation important?
Digital transformation changes the way an organization operates, whether systems, processes, workflows or style are all part of that process, and this transformation affects every part of the organization; to work more effectively.
Benefits of digital transformation
There are many benefits of digital transformation for organizations, as companies benefit from digitization in several aspects, including, for example:
Enhance data collection
Most companies collect mountains of customer data, and the real benefit lies in analyzing this data that can move the organization forward, and digital transformation makes it easier to collect the right data, and fully integrate it to develop the business.
In addition, it creates a new way for different functional units within an organization to translate raw data into insights across different touchpoints, benefiting the customer journey, operations, production, finance, and business opportunities.
It is critical to assess how customer data is collected, stored, analyzed, and shared as part of this process, and of course you will need to ensure that the data that flows to and from your CRM software and other platforms in the organization is protected.
As you assess the customer journey as part of your digital transformation, consider how you can give your customers greater autonomy over their data, with data privacy, customers have constant concerns about how their data is collected and used, show them that you respect their data by enforcing privacy practices, and giving them The opportunity to change their mind at any time.
Strong resource management
Digital transformation integrates information and resources into a set of tools. Instead of scattering software and databases, it unifies company resources and reduces vendor overlap. Digital transformation can integrate applications, databases, and software into a central repository for business development.
Digital transformation is not a department or a functional unit. It involves every area of a business, and can lead to new innovation and process efficiencies. It is important to optimize and secure data everywhere it flows, while providing teams with easy-to-use tools to get their jobs done.
Data-driven customer insights
Data can be the key to customer insights. By better understanding the customer and their needs, you can create a more customer-focused business strategy, using both structured data (personal customer information) and unstructured data, such as social media metrics. These ideas help in promoting the growth of the organization's business.
Better customer experience
Consider how your organization's digital transformation can go beyond just developing your team's competencies, but also deliver smoother experiences for your customers. This extends from email communications to user portals and digital products, to the pace at which you reach new heights.
Customers expect more from digital experiences. Consumers are used to endless selection, low prices and fast delivery. Customer experience is the new battlefield for brands.

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