Administrative Communications

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Administrative communication has a clear importance and an urgent necessity in the field of managing companies and individuals. Therefore, effective communication in general between individuals within the same group or between different groups achieves clear progress and growth. It enables the manager to analyze problems and reach results and solutions in the right and appropriate way. Any organization is the connecting link for these organizations due to its tasks and functions that facilitate administrative and technical work. Administrative communications are essential in any organization, regardless of its size. Any shortcoming in the administrative communications system would disrupt or delay the entire functioning of the institution.
The concept of administrative communication
The communication process is generally defined as interactions or transactions between two or more parties to exchange information with the aim of achieving benefit for one or both parties, a process that requires the presence of a sender, a receiver, a message, and an appropriate channel to transmit the message, and from this We can reach a simplified definition of communication as "the exchange of information and the transmission and understanding of meanings, and this is the essence of the work of institutions and companies."
According to "Reginald L. Bell", "Reginald L. Bell" defines management communication as the study of how people send and receive information in a complex and structured environment, and the effect of this on the organizational structure.
Administrative communication elements
1) The “Sender” source: It is the element or person who sends the information.
2) Encoding: It is the process of clarifying the message, by using a specific language or method with meanings agreed upon between the receiver and the sender.
3) The message: It is the information that the source sends to the receiver.
4) The communication channel: It can be visual, written, or audio, or all of them. It is preferable to choose the appropriate method for the recipient to send the message.
5) “Receiver”: It is the person or group receiving the speech.
6) Decoding: It is the process of decoding the message or translating it in a way that enables the recipient to understand the message correctly.
The importance of administrative communication
One of the biggest dilemmas facing all people in their lives is their inability to understand others and cooperate with them. This is why communication is of great importance in the lives of normal people and at the level of institutions and companies as well. This is why Greenberg believes that company managers spend 80% of their working time in the communication process. This indicates the importance of communications within institutions and the extent of their direct impact on the success of institutions. The importance of administrative communications is as follows:
Information Exchange: The main purpose of administrative communication is to convey various types of information to individuals or groups such as: rules, regulations, changes, working hours, and more.
Feedback: Administrative communication provides feedback coming from management to employees or from employees to management, and works to provide employees with the results of their work and the extent to which their work matches what is required of them in addition to the extent of satisfaction of senior management with their performance.
Solving problems: Administrative communications work to reach an appropriate solution to most problems through constructive dialogue.
Assistance in decision-making: Administrative communications are of great importance in assisting in decision-making, as they exchange information and different points of view between people and departments. Which makes it easier for the manager to make the right decision.
Control: Each company has a clear way of communicating information to employees, and this information is communicated by managers through administrative communications to ensure that plans are implemented within the guidelines of these instructions.
Types of administrative communication
The developed administrative communications include many types, including:
Personal administrative communication: It is communication in general between two or more people within the business.
Organizational managerial communication: Refers to the actual events that take place between different levels of employees within the organization.
Both types include verbal communication and written communication in addition to body language, which is an important part of developed managerial communication, but personal communications are usually verbal and less formal than organizational communication, and organizational communication refers to Relying on written communication over verbal forms of communication, including emails, posters, or written notes.
Administrative communication system
First: Upward Communication
It is communication issued from the bottom up according to the organizational structure of the organization, and this type of communication is launched when information flows from employees to managers and when employees share their views with their managers about the nature of work and job responsibilities and how they feel about the organization as a whole.
Common examples of this type of administrative communication include:
Suggestions system.
complaints box.
Attitude research and job satisfaction.
Reports and notes.
Complaints and grievance interviews.
Counseling (a consultant on employee problems who collects data on this).
Second: Downward Communication
Downward administrative communications are known as downward communications, as the organization or its representative managers give directives and instructions to employees related to work, policies, and methods of implementation.
These communications are usually top-down, and the following are examples of such communications:
Introduce the new employee to his work.
Training courses.
Organization plans (strategic plans, secondary plans).
business policies.
Messages, decisions and information sent by the organization through e-mail.
Brochures (containing topics such as incentives, employee benefits, etc.).
Advice and advice boards (ex

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