Shifting from paper management to electronic management

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Did you find the treatment you are looking for? How much time is wasted in your organization looking for a lost transaction or sending a letter from one department to another? Can you see the tasks assigned to you or keep track of the tasks assigned to your employees easily? Is your work proceeding according to administrative efficiency standards?
These problems are considered among the most important problems that you may face if your reliance on the traditional “manual” method in managing your administrative communication process, both internal and external, these problems are likely to increase, and as the volume of the paper archive of transactions and letters increases, you will find it difficult to track transactions or search for them. Negatively affects the quality of administrative operations and the overall performance of the institution.
During this article, we will review with you the importance of shifting from "traditional" paper management to "electronic" management.
Paper management
It is the institution that relies on manual papers and documents in its transactions and its relationship with its employees without resorting to the use of a smart computer, as this management represents a major obstacle in the path of success of any business.
There are several reasons why continuing to use papers in the management of the institution is an obstacle to success:
The time, effort and high cost of completing the paper work.
Some paper transactions are damaged due to obsolescence.
The possibility of losing some transactions inadvertently or intentionally, and the difficulty of retrieving those transactions.
Not unifying the work method in handling incoming and outgoing mail and following up between the different departments of the company.
Difficulty in archiving the institution's transactions.
Low efficiency in doing business.
Difficulty identifying the fault and the one responsible for delaying the work and rewarding the distinguished.
It is an integrated electronic system that aims to transform normal administrative work from manual management to computer-based management, by relying on information systems and administrative programs that help in administrative decision-making in the fastest time and at the lowest costs. Electronic management can include both internal and external communications in addition to administrative correspondence and archiving.
It is also considered the implementation of any electronic management solution that should meet the needs of employees in the first place, and dependence on specific individuals should be removed, in addition to the introduction of transparency systems in the work.
The importance of electronic management
The transition to electronic management is not a path of luxury, but an inevitability imposed by global changes. The idea of integration, participation and employment of information has become one of the determinants of success for any institution. This imposed scientific and technical progress, in addition to the continuous demand to raise the quality of outputs and ensure the safety of administrative processes, all of which are among the matters that called for a shift towards electronic management, and this is evidenced by this, and according to the IDC center, in a company that employs 1000 employees, the average lost expenses per year In searching for missing or non-existent information due to the lack of a specific document and archive management program, more than $3 million annually.
Reasons for shifting from paper to electronic management:
High business cost in the case of using paper management resulting from complex procedures.
The need for a unified database for the institution.
Difficulty standing on performance measurement rates.
Facilitate employees' access to the information needed to complete their work.
Orientation towards employing the use of technological development and relying on accurate information in decision-making.
Increasing competition between institutions and the necessity of having mechanisms for excellence, and among those mechanisms is the use of electronic management.
Achieving continuous communication between workers on the wide scope of work.
Facilitate archiving of various administrative transactions.
Stages of transition to electronic management
The transition to electronic management requires several stages in order for the process to take place in a way that achieves the desired general objectives of the institution. Among those stages are the following:
The conviction and support of the organization's senior management: the organization's officials must have complete conviction and a clear vision to convert all paper transactions into electronic in order to provide the full support and capabilities necessary for the transition to electronic management.
Training and qualifying employees: The employee is the main element for the transition to electronic management, so it is necessary to train and qualify employees in order to complete the work through the available electronic means, and this requires holding training courses for employees.
Documentation and development of work procedures: It is known that each company or institution has a set of administrative processes or what is called work procedures. Old ones to match the modern.
Providing the infrastructure for electronic administration: that is, the tangible aspect of electronic management, from securing computers, connecting fast computer networks and the devices attached to them, and securing modern means of communication.
Start documenting old paper transactions electronically: old paper transactions that are kept in paper files should be saved electronically by means of scanners and classified for easy reference.
Beginning to program the most common transactions: starting with the most common paper transactions in all departments and programming them into electronic transactions to reduce waste in the use of paper, for example: a leave request form that is applied in all departments without exception. It is better to start programming and applying it.
Electronic management supplies:
Powerful, fast and secure network infrastructure.
Strong information structure, strong and compatible information systems with each other through the use of administrative software.
A human investment cadre trained in the use of modern technologies.
A technical human cadre capable of carrying out continuous technical support and developing various information systems.
Benefits of electronic management:
Speed in completing the work.
Facilitate communication between departments of evil

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