Automation of procedures in commercial establishments

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Technology is now able to automate certain processes and can automate workflows to the point where no human intervention is required. Automation can save time and money, and enjoy customers who no longer need to wait in line until someone can help them process the transaction, avoiding human error. But not every business process is suitable for automation, so it is the duty of companies to determine which processes are most suitable for automation and which processes are best handled by humans. How do companies choose which business processes to automate?
Companies are beginning to look at the strategic and operational drivers of process improvement in their organizations and industries. For example, in today's global marketplace, almost every company feels pressure to get goods to market quickly and to be first in the market whenever possible. In a highly competitive environment in terms of prices, companies are also under tremendous pressure to economize on their operations in order to improve their profit margins, because it is not always possible to raise prices.
Thus, companies are looking to automate business processes that require a lot of time and resources from an operational point of view, and which are subject to human error, and this can be accelerated through automated process improvement that can be achieved through machines and technology. If the automation process speeds up the process of bringing the product to market, improves revenue collection, or lowers operating expenses so that margins can be improved if prices need to be kept constant, that is much better.
Areas where process automation produces great results
Routine and repetitive tasks
Automatic project management job updates, status programs, automated security monitoring, facility closeouts, time tracking, and automated process flows for order filling, inventory management, shipping, and purchasing are examples of routine and repetitive business processes that can be predicted and managed through automation. By reducing manual labor in these business processes, tasks can be completed uniformly while greatly reducing the chances of human error. Human resources are also freed up to do work that requires more vengeful thinking.
A great example is the credit or loan office in a bank branch or back office. A customer comes in and wants to be eligible for a credit card or loan. A lending employee who has a low loan application process but only limited background in underwriting uses software automation in the loan approval process to perform financial analysis and credit checks for a customer. Almost immediately, the loan officer can tell the customer how much loan they qualify for and under what interest rate and other terms. At the same time, in the bank card service area, the processing officer in the office is automatically notified by fraud detection software whenever a suspicious fraud pattern appears. He immediately locks the card and calls the cardholder. Without the aid of automated decision making, neither a loan officer nor a card service clerk would be able to work through these business scenarios very quickly. the company saves money; It reduces the risk of an employee making a credit decision that may not be sound; And the customer is satisfied because he gets an answer right away.
Sensor-based tracking and alerts
Companies are starting to take advantage of IoT technology such as sensors and networks to drive the automation of these devices. The objective of the companies is to achieve a comprehensive view of the vital business processes that occur outside the walls of the institution. Examples of this include placing sensors on cargo containers that track the movement of containers and issue alerts when container seals are broken, or when the environmental conditions of temperature and humidity are disrupted in containers carrying medicines or foodstuffs.
Entrances for self-service employees
From anywhere at any time, employees can now make changes to investment options, other HR selections and even take online training courses that further their career development. The system records these changes and tracks progress without the need for a trainer or HR person to facilitate the process.
Manual tasks that involve risks or may cause injury
Increasingly, companies want to avoid sending employees to perform dangerous or hazardous tasks. Automation found in unmanned trucks, unmanned aerial vehicles, and robots can perform and communicate many of these tasks. The job might be scouting a treacherous patch of rough terrain, entering a highly radioactive facility, or walking miles of concrete walkways in a warehouse day in and day out -- when a robot can take the walk and pick out the commands for you.
Office operations support
Night data center operations and batch processing are generally run in most companies. This eliminates the need for most nighttime IT operations staff, with staff only called through an automated alert if a processing situation that requires human intervention arises.
The benefits of automatic searches in databases that use big data as well as traditional records in identifying them because of their ability to replace the functions that were previously and this work is done painstakingly by the employees. Among the research repositories used for automated business operations are crime records, case law, life sciences research, weather and climate research, insurance databases and financial risk analysis, manufacturing/engineering parts cross references, health care records and demographics.
Document management
This has been included in business processes ranging from purchase order

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