Point of Sale Software 2024: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Best

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Blog / Fekra it for inventory management and POS

Are you having trouble managing different sales processes and tracking all tasks completely? The sales process in different stores, online stores, or retail stores of all kinds is not a stand-alone process, but rather a process linked to a number of other processes such as those related to inventory, payment, invoices, and revenues. Therefore, there is a need for smart management of sales processes and related tasks through an integrated professional point of sale program.

As a single error in one of these procedures in a single sales process may lead to many problems at work that may take a lot of time to discover the basis of the error, and some of these errors occur as a result of manual recording and following traditional methods in managing such processes. Hence, a special system was programmed to manage these processes and link them to each other, which is the digital point of sale system POS.

In this article, you will find a comprehensive guide that helps you understand the features and advantages of the point of sale program and what solutions you can use to develop your sales transactions.

Explanation of the concept of the point of sale program
It is a software system that works through electronic automation of a number of procedures related to the sales process. When one of your customers makes a sale and requests any product, once this request is registered in the program, the program automatically starts linking with the inventory management through which this process is recorded, and then you can easily import the required product and record it in the electronic invoice. Once the customer pays, whether in cash or with one of the bank's credit cards, the payment process is recorded and linked to the financial management.

Through this linking and integration of the various operations between the various departments, you can easily track all sales processes through the point of sale program and ensure that all their results are recorded successfully and accurately.

How do you benefit from point of sale program solutions?
The comprehensive professional point of sale program provides many smart tools and solutions that help you implement the workflow tasks related to the various sales process procedures within your commercial establishment as well as through e-commerce sites easily and smoothly and prevent errors in traditional methods. These solutions are:

Calculating the final cost
By using the point of sale program in various stores or e-commerce sites, and once the sale is registered for one of your customers and the name of the product or service is written by importing it from the database or through the barcode reader, the final cost is calculated, including the value of the applicable tax and any discounts that may be activated automatically and quickly and without any errors.

Electronic invoicing
By linking with the financial management, you will be able to easily issue electronic invoices for each sale made to one of your customers and print them or send them to customers by email or text messages according to the customer's desire, and all invoices are compatible with the Tax and Zakat Authority and include value-added tax.

Inventory management
Because the successful management of your inventory contributes greatly to the success of many different tasks such as sales operations, financial management tasks and customer deliveries, which is what the point of sale program provides through the inventory management screen, which enables you to follow up on your inventory instantly and at any time and conduct inventory operations in less time than the consumer using traditional methods.

The program allows you to create a database for all your products with the assignment of categories for each product, quantity and selling price. You can also create alerts for the near depletion of any product's stock to start supplying its purchase orders again so that this does not affect sales operations.

Purchase Management
Managing your purchases successfully is a process no less important than inventory management. Through the POS program, you will be able to efficiently implement all the tasks of this management, by creating a database for all suppliers. Each supplier file contains its contact information, the type of products it is responsible for supplying, the cost price, and linking all the supply orders that are created, adding financial transaction files and payment methods for each supplier so that you have a huge database that is easy to access at any time and from anywhere, and facilitating the implementation of various supply and purchase orders without any delay that may affect the work as before.

Linking and Integration
The POS program provides distinctive linking and integration with your various business systems, allowing you to conduct your sales transactions easily and quickly. Once you create any new sales order and start recording it, the program starts importing the required product and recording it with the sales order and creating the electronic invoice for the same order, and the inventory quantity is automatically updated after each purchase order, allowing you to know the inventory at any time and obtain accurate data.

Support for various payment processes
The POS program supports all different sales processes such as cash payment, payment by credit card or electronic phone wallets, in addition to allowing payment in installments, and each payment process is recorded and linked to the purchase process and its electronic invoice and automatically added to the customer's account to track his various payments and track the various customer accounts.

Issuing reports
Through the POS program, you can easily obtain all sales process reports for review, such as monthly sales reports, reports on the most consumed products, inventory balance reports, financial and accounting reports, customer balance reports, employee performance reports, and other various reports that contribute to making decisions to develop the business efficiently.

What are the criteria for choosing the best POS program?
There are a number of criteria that every business owner must rely on when choosing a point of sale program that is compatible with his business to obtain the best successful administrative experience and develop his business. These factors include the following:

Supports the use of the Arabic language

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