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Are you still using traditional methods to manage your company's financial operations? Are you still wondering about the importance of digital transformation in financial accounting and how it will change the development of your company's growth?

If so, this blog is for you! During this article, we will explain to every business owner or financial management manager, what is the difference between traditional accounting methods and financial accounting software? What is the importance of these software on the workflow within institutions and departments? And how can you get the most out of using financial accounting software?

What is the difference between financial accounting software and traditional accounting?
Financial accounting software differs from traditional accounting in many elements and uses, which makes performing tasks more professional and easier and brings many benefits to companies and individuals.

These differences between them are as follows:

Data recording
Traditional accounting: You must record data in more than one way and in more than one file, and then start reviewing the recorded data to ensure its accuracy and the absence of any errors.
Financial accounting software: You don't have to do all these steps, all you have to do is enter the main data, and by automating these programs, it works to link the different files related to this data and record them automatically.
Wasting time
Traditional accounting: After recording the data, employees process it manually and perform many mathematical equations to obtain the results that are later used in financial analyses and various reports, which consumes a lot of time.
Financial accounting software: All you have to do is record your data, and the program then performs all the required accounting processes and equations and you get the results faster than before.
Auditing accounts
Traditional accounting: You have to use more than one file to review your account statements, whether bank or financial, related to the company and compare them to previous periods, etc.
Financial accounting software: You will find all the company's financial statements and bank account statements in one place to facilitate access to them at any time and review them. 
Traditional accounting: Companies keep copies of their financial and administrative files after recording them manually in special safes, which makes them vulnerable to damage or theft.
Financial accounting software: You will not have to keep copies of your files in the old ways, as these programs work through a cloud system that keeps copies of all your data on that system and provides them with the highest levels of protection.
Budgets and financial statements
Traditional accounting: To obtain reports related to company budgets and financial statements, it used to take a lot of time to review the data after recording them and waiting for specific time periods to complete to obtain them.
Financial accounting software: You can obtain all the company's budgets, statements and various financial reports at any time and specify the required time period with one click.
Do you see other differences between digital financial accounting programs and traditional manual accounting methods?🤔

The importance of financial accounting programs
The importance of digital financial accounting programs is due to the advantages and features they contain that help companies of all sizes and at all levels of sectors to manage all their financial resources in more professional and easy ways.

Financial accounting programs provide different solutions that suit all uses to help companies grow and achieve their goals. The importance of accounting programs can be summarized in the following points:

Saving time and effort spent completing tasks.
Speed ​​and flexibility in completing workflow tasks.
Reducing the cost in terms of the number of employees.
Ease of access to any information related to the work and all related data.
Facilitating work between team members in terms of the ability to access files at any time and easily.
Protecting data in a more secure way to prevent it from being lost or stolen.
Making work-related decisions more professionally as a result of accurate reports that can be obtained through the program.
The ability to review company accounts at any time and from one place.
Track workflow tasks instantly.
How do digital financial accounting programs achieve the goals and growth of your business?
In order for any organization to be able to achieve the maximum benefit from financial accounting software, it must first determine what it wants to achieve from using this software, and what mechanisms it needs, and then begin choosing the appropriate software system for its needs and is in line with the workflow tasks of its management.

This is done by studying the advantages and characteristics of these programs to learn how to get the most out of them.

We will explain through the following points how these advantages can be easily benefited from in line with the field of work of any organization.

Flexibility of performing tasks between different departments
There is always a link between the financial department and all other departments within the institutions, such as the sales department, the purchasing department, and the human resources department, and the work of these departments depends on the exchange of data and numbers to obtain various reports and approvals that may take some time.

But by using financial accounting software, you can link the performance of tasks between all the different departments within the institution to easily send files and obtain information with one click, in addition to obtaining approvals for purchase orders, for example, through electronic automation easily and flexibly and without wasting a lot of time.

Performing accounting work tasks has now become easier
Instead of accounting department employees spending a lot of time processing financial data and various numbers and performing complex operations and equations, you can rely on the advanced technology of financial accounting programs.

With accounting software, you will not have to do this traditionally or manually, all you have to do is

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