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Blog / Docsuite Archiving

Did you know that companies, governments and various business institutions can provide an area of ​​500 square meters to store 3 million documents and documents and reduce them to a unit of only 15 GB? In addition to accelerating access to these documents and documents at any time and from any device and also sharing them with the click of a button? 🤔

✅ This is exactly what modern electronic archiving programs based on the latest technological techniques and protection systems do.

By the end of this new article on our blog, you will discover the role that electronic archiving programs play in improving business efficiency. Let's start first by explaining and defining electronic archiving.

What is electronic archiving?
In short, electronic archiving is the process of converting important documents and documents from papers that are kept in paper folders and stored on office and company shelves into digital documents and documents that are saved and stored on devices without taking up space or being exposed to damage, theft or other situations that may lead to their loss forever.

It includes organizing and storing electronic files and documents using specialized programs and systems that facilitate access to this information when needed, as the electronic archiving system relies on classifying and indexing contents in a way that allows users to search for and access them quickly and efficiently.

Today, electronic archiving has become an essential element of the digital transformation that many different companies and institutions seek to achieve and apply in order to improve work efficiency, accelerate it, and reduce operating costs by large percentages.

This is about the definition of electronic archiving, so what about its most important advantages? Let's find out!🤔

What are the advantages of electronic archiving?
Task management
Working online and offline
Data entry forms "Smart Sheet"
Cyber ​​​​security

Electronic archiving systems and programs provide many advantages and capabilities that effectively help in raising work efficiency within various institutions, governments and companies. These advantages include the following:

Task management
Professional electronic archiving systems help manage tasks within any institution professionally through a task management system that allows the employer to define work tasks and distribute them to employees, appoint a follow-up officer, and track the progress of each task, all from one place with ease. This in turn helps to manage tasks smoothly and raise the level of transparency within the work as well as efficiency in general.

Working online and offline
One of the most important advantages is the ability of the program or system to work on the Internet and cloud storage of data, as well as the flexibility to work without the Internet, and thus local storage or on local devices within the company or institution itself. Many institutions prefer local storage of data, especially governments that deal with highly sensitive data, documents and documents.

📌This is indeed what we take into account well at "Fikra Programa" when developing any of our software and electronic systems, which is the flexibility to work online and offline and provide different forms of storage between the cloud and local to meet the different needs of companies, institutions and governments as well.

Automation of processes
Automation of processes has become an essential part of the digital transformation that various companies and institutions seek; because it greatly helps to speed up work, facilitate tasks and reduce operating costs significantly.

Automation is simply the process of relying on machines to carry out many of the routine tasks that we need to do daily or continuously, and thus it can be used to relieve the work pressure on the human element and help it focus on other more important tasks.

Data Entry Forms "Smart Sheet"
One of the things that businesses and governments that have moved to the world of digitization need is the ability to create data entry forms and questionnaires, such as leave requests, job applications, service requests, etc., which facilitates the management of incoming and outgoing administrative communications.

Through the "Smart Sheet", various institutions and governments can create effective data entry forms as well as organize and manage data in a smart and innovative way, which is what electronic archiving programs actually provide you with.

📌The electronic archiving program "Doc Suite" from Fikra Software Foundation provides the Smart Sheet package, which is a set of the latest tools that help companies deal with data effectively and intelligently from the first construction of entry forms using Google Forms and conducting questionnaires and opinion polls inside and outside the organization to organizing that data and answers and analyzing them automatically and outputting them in the form of spreadsheets suitable for decision-making.

Data Security and Safety
Data protection and safety are among the most important tasks for any company or institution as well as governments; Therefore, cybersecurity is indispensable in any electronic archiving software, whether it relies on cloud storage or local storage, as we explained the difference in a previous paragraph.

Professional electronic archiving programs and systems come with the best data protection, encryption, and data backup systems in order to protect data from loss, theft, hacking, or other incidents that harm the business.

And many other advantages that we will talk about in detail in other articles of ours. You may now ask: How can my business benefit from electronic archiving? Let's find out together!

What are the benefits of electronic archiving for companies and institutions?

Reducing costs
Enhancing efficiency
Save time
Reducing errors
Maintaining security
Preserving the environment
Easy search and indexing
Remote access
Electronic archiving achieves many benefits and gains for companies, governments, and various business institutions, starting with improving work efficiency and ending with reducing operating costs. The following is a detailed explanation of each of these benefits:

Reducing costs
Reduces the need for large storage spaces

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Category: Docsuite Archiving

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