Features of the fekrait Gym product for gym membership management

The Fekrait Gym membership management product simplifies and automates the process of assisting members and tracking their data

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Features of the fekrait Gym product for gym membership management
The gym membership management "Fekrait Gym" product offers a software solution that helps companies streamline, organize and operate their operations. The gym membership management "Fekrait Gym" product has a wide range of features, the bulk of which has an employee and a customer facing gate. Gym managers can use the platform to better manage their facilities and members. Read on.
Gym product for gym membership management

What is the fitness club management program?

Simply a fitness club management program is a type of program that allows fitness facilities to manage all aspects of their business, run their studio more efficiently, fitness club management programs, fitness programs and fitness membership programs are all terms used to describe the gym management program.

"Fekrait Gym" product features for gym membership management

"Fekrait Gym" product contains gym membership management On a wide range of strategies, techniques and policies to deal with logistics to oversee your gym members, through a range of product features, we mention:

1. Effective membership management

The "Fekrait Gym" gym membership management product helps you manage your members in the best possible way, where members must be obtained and retained, the good program should help you do both.
"Fekrait Gym" to manage a great gym membership can automate marketing outreach and help create potential clients for your business. This is how you gain more members. Moreover, tracking these prospective customers and hiring them for your employees is also a useful feature.
For retention of existing members, the "Fekrait Gym" gym membership management product can help you engage your customers, allow members to schedule their classes and give them full control over their membership.
The "Fekrait Gym" product to manage automatically renovated gym membership is a very important source of income for fitness clubs, studios and gyms, so the automatically paid membership feature is essential in your fitness membership program, a product "Fekrait Gym" to automatically manage the gym membership by charging the member's card that he uploaded online at the time of renewal, for example the first of each month, or the first of each quarter.

2. Managing reservations and class schedules

Booking and scheduling classes is a key feature that should be available in the fitness club management program, the "Fekrait Gym" gym membership management product can help you schedule your classes easily, create your timetables and post them online and hold special events in your gym.
Gym staff can use the "Fekrait Gym" product to manage gym membership to track their schedules and organize their day accordingly. Most importantly, it is your gym members who can book and schedule facilities in your gym, using either an app or an online web portal, this eases things for them and adds value to their experience.
As gyms have many different types of fitness programs such as continuous classes, special training sessions, six-week courses or one-day special events, the gym membership management "Fekrait Gym" product will have the ability to handle each use case accurately so that things can be easier for both your employees and your members.

3. More efficient staff management

Employees can, as we have indicated, through the "Fekrait Gym" product. To manage gym membership from customer attendance management, check their schedules and track customer information is essential, the great fitness club program should give your business like a product "Fekrait Gym" for gym membership management, or grants payroll management power where one can manage staff schedules and calculate payroll without any hassle.
Good staff management can help your team better prepare to do their job, and when they do their job better, it will sooner or later result in great rewards for your gym, whether in the form of happier customers, longer-term loyalty or more profits.

4. Global Payments Processing and Management

Fitness is becoming increasingly digital, the ability of the gym membership management "Fekrait Gym" product to process global payments is helpful as you can start your own live fitness programs and video-on-demand training without restrictions. With online fitness, there are virtually no geographical limitations and a great program can let you accept payments from all over the world.
Payment processing in the "Fekrait Gym" product to manage our gym membership works very easily your members should only upload their credit card details online and use that they can buy credits and organisms, On the other hand, the gym business can buy retail products on behalf of the customer, Process online refunds, manage transactions and track all this in easy-to-read reports.

5. Retail and inventory management

Your gym business can become a better brand when you sell customized products such as branded shirts or sportswear, or gym essentials such as water and whey protein to your organs, it also becomes important to have a stock of these items in your inventory.
The "Fekrait Gym" gym membership management product can help you sell your products to your customers through online POS, moreover, an easy inventory management system can help you keep track of how much inventory you have from your retail items constantly.

6. Events

One way you can improve members' experiences in your gym is to inform them about activities or events they may find interested in, and you can learn about their interests by seeing what kinds of activities members have attended in the past, these patterns can be difficult without the right tools, so a product "Fekrait Gym" gym membership management offers you a comprehensive solution that combines all your data in one place. Based on the patterns you discover, you can send emails providing members with more information about similar upcoming events.


When it comes to club management software, the gym membership management "Fekrait Gym" product has other solutions that outperform another program in the market, offering a wide range of features to make your business run more efficient, you can book the "Fekrait Gym" product to manage gym membership through our enterprise an idea for software and with ease.

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