The document management system is a multi-platform application And the more documents and accessories that are handled, the more important this system becomes. not only to access the information, but also to ensure that it is the latest information and to make the most of a document management system solution, it must be usable for all s Office ", from accountants and engineers to the Business Office and employees, and to learn about the key criteria when selecting a document management system, read on.

What is a document management system
Document Management System is a cloud-based application, or computer application that helps to store, track and manage enterprise documents electronically, The document management system not only manages documents, it allows you to manage all kinds of files within the same system, These include electronic files, pdf files, photos, multimedia files, etc. Second, and perhaps more importantly, its features and functions go beyond storing, tracking and managing files.
Importance of Document Management System
Almost all companies already have ways to manage documents, although some are more formal than others, organizations without a standardized process often find that each employee or department develops individual ways to store documents, such as keeping them in individual workstations, printing and preserving them or by keeping them on a shared network drive.
These informal processes can cause problems when trying to access archived documents, and it is almost impossible to conduct comprehensive searches for information, here the formal document management system ensures that authorized people can find what they need, when they need it, without spending much time and resources on the project.
Key criteria when selecting a document management system
Documents are part of each company or enterprise and identify almost all business activities, from the daily work of employees to the operation of the organization itself, here are the most important key criteria when choosing the proper document management system for your business:
1. Ease of Use
When we talk about document management system it would be futile to have a very powerful tool if handling it is complicated, so the interface should be simple and uncomplicated, so that from one screen you can create, edit, edit and share all kinds of documents such as text, photos, pdf files, email, faxes and spreadsheets.
2. Artificial Intelligence
The document management system with AI-based technology automates processes in the documentary field, also provides advanced capabilities in terms of classification, indexing, security, report creation, information extraction, document capture, etc.
3. Choose a cloud system
The cloud document management system is where the information and documents you store are saved online, and this is great if you don't have much storage space on your servers or computer; Or if you want to be able to access your documents from anywhere in the world through an internet connection, however, it requires a strong and continuous connection.
4. Easy Adaptation
When companies consider including document management system software, they focus on background and functions in general, However, they should wonder how this system will work for the average user, If the user's adaptability is slow, it will take longer to achieve the goals you set for yourself using the document management system, So through simple training, users must quickly realize how this solution will benefit them on a daily basis.
5. Compatibility with your business
The document management system must comply with your business, when implementing any type of document management system in your company, there are some general rules that you should follow:
- Understand your organization's problems and the benefits you expect from this new document management system.
- Communicate appropriately internally and externally and verify that the project's objectives are properly achieved.
- Take your time to identify key aspects such as the areas your document management system will address, the type of documents your company handles and the processes you need to improve.
- Focus on rolling out your document management system in stages and discuss what is most important to your business at the time and whether a better approach is needed.
- Analyze, tune in and continue to improve your business document management system to ensure proper compatibility.
Steps to maintain your document management system
After we have addressed the basic criteria that you should follow when choosing your document management system, you need to know now how to maintain this system after choosing it, in a few steps:
1. Selection of the appropriate task force
If you want a clear and accurate picture of how to use your document management system and electronic files across the company, without having to constantly change your plan to meet the needs of different departments, you need to hire an experienced team and a variety of skills, so as to ensure that your personal documents, and therefore you have to put your best people on the matter.
2. Develop a clear action plan
Using your document management system, you need to develop a clear and accurate plan, by clearly and concisely articulating what you plan to do and setting a specific timeline for your plans, so that you can easily develop your project and archive each electronic document.
3. Rights of Use
At this stage, it is necessary to organize who is allowed to carry out a document operation (Create, consult, modify, delete, etc.) In any circumstances, the controls available in the access and security schedule must be applied, access and usage rights of DMS users will depend on legal requirements (e.g., privacy of personal data) and the enterprise's needs (e.g., confidentiality of financial documents or strategic information).
4. Tracking & Control
Document tracking in the document management system is a security procedure for organizations It ensures that only users with appropriate authorizations perform the tasks they have been authorized to do, The use and movement of documents must be controlled in order to ensure, on the one hand, that That only users who have the right permissions can carry out the activities allocated to them and, on the other hand, documents can be located when they are needed.
Document tracking allows for adequate control of documentary processes from the moment they are integrated into the document management system until the final disposal application.
Make sure you choose a document management system that suits all your needs: internet connection power, budget, company size, make sure the system accommodates your existing storage space and the social media channels you choose to use, a good document management software will benefit your company for many years, increasing efficiency in your business operations and also increasing profits.
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19 Aug 2023 07:17 PM
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